Monday, September 21, 2009

Indian Bar Tender wins the World Coffee Championship

Devansh Ashar presenting Illy Cafe Mojito
Competitors and Judges at Taste of Discovery Coffee Challenge, Trieste Italy
Devansh with Andre Illy (left) and Fritz Storm (right)
Devansh Ashar, a 22 year old bar tender from Le Royal Meridien, Mumbai has made Indians proud by being the only Indian to have been selected for his recipe in the final six and bringing the Grand Prize home. The Taste Of Discovery Coffee Championship hosted by world leading coffee brand Illy Café in Trieste, Italy was judged by Chairman of Illy Café Andre Illy and Master Barista Fritz Storm.
‘TASTE OF DISCOVERY COFFEE CHALLENGE’ where 110 hotels from all over the world competed with 3 categories of coffee recipe. Each participating hotel was required to send one hot, cold and alcoholic recipe to Illy Café.
The young barista had behind him his entire food and beverage team to prepare for the challenge along with the rest of the hotel who pitched in to bring the championship home.
Rajiv Kapoor, Asst. Director F&B at Le Royal Meridien, Mumbai was tirelessly involved in honing and polishing every skill, presentation of young Devansh since his entry in the finals of the challenge.
Presenting his beverage to the two stalwarts of the industry Devansh sweeped the championship back home. Ecstatic and jubilant to hear the victory the entire hotel jumped up to congratulate each other.
This being a true victory on a global scale for not only Le Royal Meridien, Mumbai but for India as well. Here’s to the team that made all Indians proud in the world championship.
Devansh’s winning recipe Illy Café Mojito is now chosen to be featured in all Illy Café Menus in the World. Illy Coffee Mojito the best coffee beverages in the world is served at Lounge Bar.
For further information contact E:


  1. WOW, This is really amazing, feel really proud to be part of the winning team.....Rgds Rajiv Kapoor

  2. team le meridien, mumbai:

    congratulations. this is a great milestone in setting high standards.



  3. Devansh & Le Meridian Team,

    Congratulations. You have done India proud. Excellent fusion of coffee & alcohol.

    I raise a toast in your success.


  4. Well I am speechless .. Go live your dream Dev D :)

  5. Hi Devansh.....WOW this is a true mile stone in ur life & V look forward for many more so called innovations champ.....:-)))
    Keep rocking & mixing our best wishes as always!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi Devansh,

    This is truly amazing. A great well deserved victory not only for you but for Le Meridien as well. Very proud of you and I am sure there will be more such moments to come. Congrats!

    - Misha.

  7. Congratulations Devansh!
    Awesome achievement.
    Look forward to sipping the blend of two of my favorite bevarges - Coffee and Mojito - on our next trip to India.

    -- Viraf

  8. This is truly a great achievement. You have made all of us proud and we are looking forward to getting a taste of your master piece. March on ahead and God Speed....there is no stopping now..:. Wishing you all the success in your endeavours.


  9. Congratulations Devansh,

    Very Happy for you and wish you the best.
    Keep it up.


  10. Congratulations Devansh,
    Great work. Very very proud of you.

    - Shreya

  11. chak de india, chak de le meridien, mumbai
    here are some additional pictures

  12. Congratulation Devansh & the Le Meridian Team,

    Way to go!! Amazing achievement. I'm sure there are many many more to come from you.

    - Prakash

  13. Proud of you Devansh. You make us feel proud once again. Cheers to your achievement. Youve added one more feather on India's Cap.

  14. Heartiest congratulations to Devansh, Rajiv Kapoor and the entire Le Meridien team! Devansh you have always made us proud and this is just the beginning. Way to go...Cheers! Neha Gupta

  15. Congratulations and I hope you achieve many more wins like this in your journey ahead. Enjoy the moment and all the best...


  16. Awesome job guys !! Devansh and Team LeMeridien, you all have made us Indians proud. Am sure just the first one of many many more to follow !

    Cheers and Kudos


  17. Congrats Dev.. Congrats Team Le Meridian..!!

    U guys have made entire nation proud..!!

    All the best for Many More such feats..!!

    ..Dhaval Ved

  18. Great stuff, Devansh. Congratulations!

  19. Congratulations to Devansh, and the members of his supporting/grooming team at Le Méridien, Mumbai!

    Given that I am in Bangalore, which would be the nearest café where I can have sample his Illy Café Mojito? :-)


  20. Awesome Devansh! Hearty Congrats! You've made us all proud....
    Geetha Balsaara

  21. To all those who wished us at Le Royal Meridien, Mumbai, a hearty thank you.

  22. Hi Devansh,

    Great achievement. You have started contributing to India growth story.

    Satish Joshi

  23. D,
    You broke our family record!!!!!
    keep going.
    Anuja, Aanya & Karan
